Normative Artificial Intelligence for Regulating Manufacturing


The project will be carried out in two complementary phases:

  • Phase I (Enactment) focuses on creating regulation mechanisms and the NAIMAN platform that enable the enactment of regulation in manufacturing systems. These mechanisms and the platform will allow the monitoring and enforcement of expected behavior of autonomous agents controlling the entities in the manufacturing system.
  • Phase II (Adaptation) focuses on creating regulation mechanisms and enhancing the NAIMAN platform to enable the self-adaptation of both the manufacturing system and regulations to resiliently overcome some unexpected changes. These mechanisms will allow the autonomous agents to reason about the changes and the regulations, and adapt the manufacturing systems process to successfully continue operating in compliance with the regulations after the unexpected changes.

The project is composed of an administrative and scientific coordination work package (WP1), 3 scientific work packages (WP2-WP4), and a dissemination and exploitation work package (WP5).

WP2 Modeling and Design for Regulating Manufacturing Systems

This WP investigates the specification, enforcement, and adaptation of regulations for guiding resilient and flexible manufacturing process models to satisfy the trustworthy and sustainable  requirements: it aims to define (i) a set of principles that guide the decision for selecting the most appropriate process modeling notation for representing manufacturing systems, (ii) a regulation language to capture accountable and sustainable regulations for such systems, and (iii) a mechanism that continuously monitors and adapts the functioning of the manufacturing system to comply with the enacted regulations.

WP3 Regulation Architecture for Manufacturing Systems

This WP designs and implements an architecture that incorporates the trustworthy regulation mechanisms (as defined in WP2) and enables the implementation of flexible and resilient manufacturing systems for the Industry of the Future. This architecture incorporates features to enable the human oversight of (i.e., supervision and intervention on) the manufacturing system through normative regulation.

WP4 Prototypical Deployments in Manufacturing Systems

This WP aims to design two use cases of the Industry of the Future and deploy them in geographically distributed industry platforms – two in France (Saint-Étienne, Lyon) and one in Brazil (São Paulo) using the open source NAIMAN platform developed in WP3.